Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Adam Lambert: Good Morning America Canceled

Adam Lambert, performed on the American Music Awards on Sunday Night, his performance was preety different, that at least, he had a womans face shoved into his crotch, and made out with the piano player. Adam said, "I just got exited, a little carried away", he said this on the "It's On With Alexa Chung" talk show on Tuesday. He was also interviewed with Ryan Seacrest, where they discussed the cancellation. No one is exactly sure why the cancellation , happend, Perhaps, they were afraid of how he would perform? I don't know, personally, i think it's un-professianal, you get what you ask for. As far as his AMA performance goes, I think it was too much, and his voice sucked. How, ever I will say all this controversy has brought up his record sales. Adam's debut album, "For Your Entertainment", is now on sale, and was released on Monday.

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